Elemental Yoga Is for Everyone


I’ve had a number of old friends tell me that they don’t come to my yoga classes because I “spent all those years studying in India” and that they’re therefore “not nearly good enough” for my classes. This couldn’t be further from the truth. My classes are for everyone. There’s no such thing as not good enough for a yoga class. If that’s the case then it’s the teacher’s fault.

I’m guessing they say this because they’re picturing us performing formidable face pose (Gandha Bherundasana) or handstand scorpion. I can’t do either of these poses, at all. Not even close. 

There is no correlation between how good you look on Instagram and how deep or evolutionary your yoga practice is. This is also why I try to post very few photos of me doing asana on my social media feeds. It distracts from the true nature of yoga (self-realization and celebration) and only tantalizes the ego.  

Even though the Elemental Yoga classes I teach aren’t your “typical” Western yoga class focused exclusively on asana (the physical poses), they are absolutely all-levels. In fact, I find that the less experience with Western yoga you have the easier it is to embrace the holistic, full-spectrum yoga practice that I offer; fewer pre-conceived notions about what yoga is and what being “good at it” means the better. 

In my classes, we will rarely practice an “advanced” yoga pose. I find that this doesn’t serve anyone’s evolution as effectively as some simple kriya and asana. In fact, the yoga classes I teach are probably more basic in terms of asana than I used to teach when I was a vinyasa teacher. But we do go deeper into the full experience of yoga. Getting there only requires a willingness to try new things and an attitude of surrender. 

So come to my classes with whatever yoga experience you have. Now is always the perfect time to start or recommit to your yoga practice, and to learn that the true yoga practice is where you are, right now. 


Fluctuation Happens: The Yoga of Doubt


Jñāna Yoga: Refining the Intellect