Elemental Yoga: Celebration
Chad Jayadev Woodford Chad Jayadev Woodford

Elemental Yoga: Celebration

In the yoga traditions through which I’ve traveled, the lineages from which I draw out the teachings that resonate most, there are two modes to life: evolution and celebration. For example, this is what the ancient Tantrikas believed, which is no surprise to anyone, given how very sensual even the classical, pre-California Tantrik practice has always been.

In the past five posts I’ve offered a tour of the five elements of the Elemental Yoga practice and the emphasis has been on evolution / expansion, even though a bhava of celebration is always woven in throughout all the practices.

In this post I’d like to talk about the importance of celebration.

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Elemental Yoga: Space Practices
Chad Jayadev Woodford Chad Jayadev Woodford

Elemental Yoga: Space Practices

S P A C E. Akasha. The fifth element. The power of the word, and the power of silence. The transmutation of ignorance into pure awareness. Self-expression. Speaking from the heart. Receptivity. The ability to truly listen. Access to theta and gamma brain states.

The Elemental Yoga practices associated with the element of space are the subtle kriyas and yogic meditation.

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Elemental Yoga: Air Practices
Chad Jayadev Woodford Chad Jayadev Woodford

Elemental Yoga: Air Practices

A I R 🌬 Vibration. Mantra. The unstruck sound. Anahata. The heart-mind. Bhakti and jñāna yoga. Spiritual community and the study of the self.

There’s a lot to unpack in the air element. So in this fourth post in the series I’ll focus primarily on the mantra elements of the practice and the anahata chakra, leaving discussion of satsang, wisdom, spiritual community, and svadhyaya to later posts.

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Elemental Yoga: Fire Practices
Chad Jayadev Woodford Chad Jayadev Woodford

Elemental Yoga: Fire Practices

F I R E. Agni. 🔥 Purification. Passion. The transmutation of matter into energy. The burning away of impurities. Tapaha. Fire is both matter and energy: a mixture of incandescent gases (matter) and light and heat (energy).

The first mantra of the oldest yogic text — the Rig Veda — tells us that life begins with fire. In the Vedas agni represents all concepts of spiritual energy that permeates everything in the universe. In the Upanishads, agni becomes any energy or knowledge that dispels a state of darkness, that transforms and creates an enlightened state of existence.

In the Elemental Yoga practice, the fire element represents pranayama, warrior breaths, and the Himalayan kundalini kriyas that we practice.

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Elemental Yoga: Water Practices
Chad Jayadev Woodford Chad Jayadev Woodford

Elemental Yoga: Water Practices

W A T E R. The seat of desire, and the transmutation of desire into dharma. The divine feminine. Receptive. Flowing. Adaptable. Strong.

Water is one of the most powerful and versatile elements. It is completely receptive and flexible yet strong enough to wear down the hardest stone. It reminds us that there is strength in our softness, in our vulnerability, in being adaptable.

In the Elemental Yoga practice, water represents the more fluid, receptive, and feminine practices of laya movements and sacred rituals like puja.

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